Novabel8 capsules
Novabel8 capsules contain 8 different active agents in a concentrate form. Novabel8 makes it extremely easy to ingest a large amount of a variety of active agents in one dose, helping support female fertility. The formulation designed especially for women contains alpha-lipoic acid, folic acid, inositol, coenzyme Q10, vitamin E and vitamin D3, as well as pine bark extract and selenium. The formulation is produced in Hungary, under controlled conditions, and developed by fertility experts.
Novabel8 capsules were developed by several Hungarian physicians and pharmacists specialized in fertility. The final stage of the developmental process was assisted by a researcher of the Doctoral School of Nutrition and Food Sciences of the University of Debrecen.
The aim of the professionals involved in product development was to provide women planning to have a child with a product that contains all the active agents that support female fertility, without any harmful excipients; something that is free of gluten, lactose and titanium-dioxide.
Production meets all quality standards: it is manufactured in a factory with GMP, HACCP, and ISO system, and only products fulfilling all strict quality assurance criteria are marketed.
NOVABEL8 Complex formulation to support female fertility
3 doboz NOVABEL8; 3 db Dávid ovulációs teszt; 2 db Dávid terhességi teszt ára: 73 500 Ft helyett 56 490 Ft
A csomag 3 FER14 EXTRA®-t, 3 Novabel8-at, 2 db terhességi tesztet, 3 db ovulációs tesztet, 1 db férfi termékenységi tesztet és egy ajándék táskát tartalmaz. ára: 115 190 Ft
Babatervező csomag: 73 500.-Ft helyett
56 490.-Ft
Who is NOVABEL8 recommended for?
Literature data suggest that fertility is continuously declining in the developed world. This trend may be the result of several factors, some of which can be altered. Such factors include healthy diet and intake of the necessary micronutrients and antioxidants.
The right level of micronutrients, essential vitamins, minerals and other bioactive compounds plays an important role in oocyte maturation and implantation, while antioxidants help to reduce oxidative stress, which is known to be harmful for fertility.* Age, inflammatory diseases, hormonal problems and diabetes can also lead to fertility issues.
Therefore, women who want to preserve their fertility, or wish to lead a healthy lifestyle to balance a confirmed condition affecting their fertility, should consume complex formulations with effective active agents that support female fertility.
* Ella Schaefer and Deborah Nock: The Impact of Preconceptional Multiple-Micronutrient Supplementation on Female Fertility Clin Med Insights Womens Health. 2019; 12: 1179562X19843868. Published online 2019 Apr 23. doi: 10.1177/1179562X19843868 PMCID: PMC6480978 PMID: 31040736